Facebook Ads targeting has become very specific and sophisticated. At Gapture, we have placed different type of Facebook ads targeting for different clients.

Facebook Ads Placement & Management | Mobile view

Facebook Ads have evolved over the years and its audience targeting has become very specific and sophisticated. For example, you can now target parents who have graduated from colleges and have children of 4 to 12 years old, to display your primary school learning product advertisement.  

At Gapture, we have placed different type of targeting for different clients.  Our Facebook Ads placement & optimisation fee starts from RM1,000 (around US$250) per month.  

Contact us now to see how we can help you capture the audience on Facebook!


What is Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads help businesses reach out to very targeted audience on Facebook. You can target your audiences by locations, age & gender, languages, educational level, relationship status, employment information, parental status, life events and interests.

Facebook Ads Placement & Management | Desktop view